In order to improve the quality of education and training and to increase cooperation, a meeting was held with Yalova Provincial Health Directorate on 09.06.2023 at Yalova State Hospital conference hall and with Yalova Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services on 15.06.2023 at the meeting hall of the directorate.

The meeting with Yalova Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services was held with the participation of Provincial Director Arif LAÇİN, Nursing Department Head Prof. Dr. Rabia HACIHASANOĞLU AŞILAR, faculty members of our department and the relevant personnel of the directorate.

The meeting held at Yalova State Hospital was held with the participation of Head of Nursing Department Prof. Dr. Rabia HACIHASANOĞLU AŞILAR, Training Nurses from Yalova State Hospital Education Unit, Quality Management Officer, Infection Control Nurse, Clinic Responsible Nurses and lecturers of our department.

During the meetings, the 2022-2023 academic year was evaluated and expectations, requests and suggestions for the 2023-2024 academic year were stated and suggestions were presented. It was stated that it is aimed to increase cooperation with our external stakeholders for the realization of the studies to be carried out.